spartan international

02.09.2007 Organizacija IAESTE (International Association for Student Exchange for Technical Experience). Je dovela studente iz raznih zemalja, koji u našoj zemlji pohađaju praksu u raznim preduzećima, radi organizovanja paintball igara. Prisustvovali su državljani mnogih zemalja (ukupno 16 igrača) kao što i možete videti na slikama.
Organisation IAESTE (International Association for Student Exchange for Technical Experience) has brought students from various countries , wich in our country attend practise in various companies , for a paintball game. People from various countries (exactly 16 players) attended , as you can see in the pictures.


If the players, on pictures, want to send us their names, we would be glad to put them on our website, beneath their pictures.

send your names on
If you want your pictures, write at same mail.

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